Want to know more about DYMENSiON and see it in action?
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Following several incidents at our sites, Kings introduced DYMENSiON to us. It’s a fantastic system that allows us to collate, analyse and share incident intelligence in real time. We can also monitor the performance across our entire estate and integrate KPIs and SLAs, so we always have our finger on the pulse. And when there has been a site incident, we have been able to pass evidence to the police that has helped get a quick conviction.
The system offers certainty of service and mass communication to my team which is vital in the world we live today.
The collaboration between Kings and SaferCash allows us to build on an already excellent service with enhanced service delivery both to members and the police service, helping to prevent and reduce criminality. In short, DYMENSiON has hugely simplified the management of the SaferCash intelligence database and the service that it provides to its members. Kings is a partner that we value and trust.